EKOLUV has teamed with the local council to host a Zero Waste Window display and Art Installation event.
4th October Unveiling of the Window display & Art Installations.
Open to the public for viewing
11th October Zero Waste Workshop 1
18th October Zero Waste Workshop 2
Zero Waste Workshops
One every fortnight over the course of the month of October
Host/Speakers -
11:00 A.M - 11:45 A.M - Emily Kate Symes
11:45 A.M - 12:30 P.M - Faye Delanty
1:00 P.M - 1:45 P.M - Annie Hoban
1:45 P.M - 2:45 P.M -
No more than 20 people attending per workshop (or maximum attendance to be discussed), social distancing, hand sanitiser and eco friendly compostable cups and materials used to adhere to COVID19 restrictions. Each workshop attendee will be educated on how they can reduce their waste particularly within fashion.
Topics for discussion
1. The fashion industry; past, present, future
2. Fashion sustainability issues
3. How to declutter, create and maintain a capsule/sustainable wardrobe
4. Eco shopping tips - how to shop sustainably and ethically through your values - secondhand, vintage etc (choose quality over quantity) and where to shop
5. Eco care tips - how to take care of your garments so they last and fabric pro’s and con’s
6. The 4 R’s - Reuse, Repair, Reinvent, Recycle
How to make the most of and get inventive with what you have and reuse/style/wear different ways, how to repair clothing, how to recreate or reinvent fashion you already have into something new and how to recycle your clothing mindfully.
Attendees will receive a green goodie bag and leave with resources and materials/tools they can use to implement what they have learnt in the workshops to integrate into their daily lives
Here is the link to register:
My friend and I want to attend zero waste workshop whichever is available still. How do we register?