EKOLUV is excited to announce our project Make Fashion's Future Sustainable in collaboration with Woollahra Council with a Zero Waste Shop Front Display and Art Installations and Zero Waste Workshops during the month of October.
The average Australian woman buys about 27kgs (double the global average) of clothing, uses only 33% of what's actually in her wardrobe and throws away about 23kgs of that amount away per year.
The objective of this project is to educate and empower our local community on how they can reduce their waste and be mindful of their consumer footprint within fashion. We had speakers at the workshops who are leaders within fashion sustainability covering topics such as Fashion Sustainability Issues, How to De-clutter and Build a Sustainable Wardrobe, Eco styling and Shopping Tips, Eco care tips and the 4 R's - Reuse, Repair, Reinvent, & Recycle. Hosted by our founder Emily Kate Symes and featuring speakers and leading experts within Fashion Sustainability Faye Delanty, Indi Field and Annie Hoban of Ohdeervintage.
Thank you to our beautiful local community for attending, we look forward to hosting more events soon.
X Emily, Lina and the EKOLUV team..