EKOLUV aims to have a positive and minimal impact environmentally and socially where possible whilst operating our business and have ensured that our choices achieve this through the following:
- Our website is Carbon Neutral. EKOLUV is a participant in the climate initiative "CO2 neutral websites". The carbon emissions from both the website and the users of the website have been neutralized by the building of new renewable energy sources, various CO2 reducing projects and by the purchase of certified CO2 offsets, which are cleared by the relevant government institutions. You can view our Carbon Neutral Certificate here.
- We ship some of our stock direct from the designer or brand to minimise our impact on the environment by reducing unneccessary shipping, handling and double usage of materials, in turn reducing waste and saving trees.
- We use 100% recycled wrapping paper, reuse boxes and other materials in our packaging of our orders.
- We also use 100% recycled paper for all our printing, use eco-stationary and fair business practices within our office.
- Our tags, postcards and business cards are all made from 100% recycled paper from our chosen sustainable printing company which use environmentally responsible methods of printing.
- We recycle almost everything in our office and also re-use items where we can. We are also a living example of people who are active in the community supporting and being involved with sustainable fashion events, organisations and other ethical business's world wide.
- We donate excess and unused/old stock and clothing to local charity organisations we are partnered with.
- We donate 5% of all our online profits to Opportunity International Australia. EKOLUV is driven by an authentic commitment to social justice and environmental responsibility.
Here at EKOLUV, "We strive to encourage the use of organisations that aid in the development of people all over the world to create opportunity for themselves, thus creating better lives for themselves and their families".
Opportunity International Australia provides people living in poverty with the opportunity to transform their lives. Offering a hand up rather than a hand-out, we use a sustainable approach to solve poverty – empowering families through community development programs and loans as small as $100 to help them grow their own small business. These services mean that families no longer have to struggle to afford food, water, healthcare and an education for their children. Our desire is to see families break free from poverty – for good. For more information you can visit their website here