To follow up on my previous post regarding Fair Trade in relation to the recent Garment factory collapse in Bangladesh, for those of you who haven't yet seen or want to watch again, I felt a responsibility to share this documentary via the ABC's Four Corner's show - Fashion Victims. If It's one main point I can take from watching this documentary is that we all have a responsibility to these workers, from consumer, to factory owners, to the media, to these buyers and brands sourcing their goods in Bangladesh. There are still so many brands not accepting any sort of responsibility and also denying they played any part in this tragedy but the evidence speaks for itself. In reality we are all part of the problem but also part of the solution. By simply accepting and being aware of these issues is a great start and there are many things we can all do to work together to help support our workers whom make our fashion in Bangladesh and also worldwide. How do you feel after watching this? What do you do to support Fair Trade? Would love to know all your thoughts...

You can watch it here

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